Municipal Advisor Services
ARS offers Municipal Advisor Compliance services that include, but are not limited to:
- Initial and Annual Registration Preparation and Regulatory Filings
- Amend and Update SEC Forms MA, MA-I and MSRB Form A-12 for Changes in Personnel, Firm and/or Individual Registrations
- File the G-37 Reports
- Create, Amend, and Update Written Supervisory Procedures and Surveillance Programs
- Update WSPs with New and Amended Rules or Interpretive Guidance
- Surveillance Program Outsourcing
- Exception Identification and Management Reporting
- Periodic Regulatory and Industry Best Practice Bulletins
- Monitor the Status of New and Amended Rules or Rule Interpretations
- Conduct On-Site as well as Off-Site Training (ad hoc, employee and/or new or amended rules)
- Provide Compliance Support for RFPs, IRMA, Engagement Letters, etc.
- Provide Expert Witness Support and Industry Expertise
- Provide Support and Assistance with Regulatory Exams, Inquiries, Subpoenas, Sweep Letters, and/or Internal Audits
- Annual G-44 Certification Review and Report